
Tuesday 6 March 2012

Multan city and its beauty

Multan is one of the big cities of Pakistan and it is present in the southern Punjab. It is n ancient city with a rich culture. Multan is also known as city of Saints, City of sufis and city of Oleyas. There are many shrines and tombs are present in it. Shah Shams Tabraze, Bahauddin Zakarya, Shah Rukan e Alam, Shah yousaf gardazi and SYed Atta Ullah Shah Bukhari are the famous saint and oleyas in Multan.
Multan weather is hot, there is a desert near it. The sand of Multan is also very special and clay is present in it. The mangoes of Multan city are very famous and wheat and cotton are its major crops.
The cultural dress of Multan is very colorful. The ceramics of Multan are also very different and they have a unique identity of white and blue color. In sweets the Multani sohan halwa is the most famous thing which is so delicious that if you do not eat it in the trip to Multan then it means you don't have completed the trip of Multan.

Art work in shrine

ancient mosqe

ancient mosque and shrine

Shah Shams tabraze Shrine 

night view of shrine 


Graves with traditional style

Historical cannon in Multan 

City wall

ancient building in Multan

Gate of old city

gate of old city

Traditional dress of  Multan

traditional ceramics work

hand made products

Traditional decoration pieces  

Multan Sohan Hulwa

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Lahore Canal and its beauty

Lahore canal is one of the oldest canals in Pakistan. It is present in the heart of the heart of Pakistan. The length of this canal is 37 km and it was built in 1861 during The British period.

The Decorations on the canal has enhanced the beauty of the canal and this show a very romantic view in the night. To walk on the bank of canal is a very lovely experience especially in the spring mornings and night. Visitors can also sit on the benches and enjoy the cool breezing air. The people who are fond of adventure can also do swimming in it and can also row the boats.

 Local government also has made some over head bridges for visitors. But this canal also passes through all important roads of Lahore so you can go anywhere in Lahore through canal roads.